pubic symphysis dysfunction: what to do

pubic symphysis
the pubic symphysis
The Pubic Symphysis is a cartilage ‘padded’ joint between the two pelvic bones (the iliae) which can be felt just above the genital area. It is commonly tender, but can be excruciatingly painful when chiropractic adjustment is needed, or there is Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction.

Countless pregnant and post-partum women have come into my office with pelvic pain related to preganacy and childbirth.

The diagnosis of “pubic symphysis dysfunction” has been made on some of these, either by a doctor, nurse or internet information. The naming process is usually accompanied by a lack of treatment options, so the person usually suffers needlessly.

Rarely is the pubic symphysis the whole problem; as chiropractors we find that the female syndrome of pelvic pain arises from a number of causes:

– structural misalignment, from anywhere in the spine from the atlas, to the pelvis

– softening of the ligaments due to Relaxin hormone

– muscular dsyfunction such as piriformis (in the buttock)

– other pathologies such as bladder infection, ectopic preganacy, etc. to be excluded by diagnosis.

– upper cervical dysfunction

The chiropractic approach has often been the most effective, drug free approach for women, without painful treatment or dangerous drugs, using gentle chiropractic adjusting procedures.

pregnant spine against fetus